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22 February 20


The Fast Fading Light /

That's an whole lot of paper. With my printer replaced, I can get on with the next edit on The Fast Fading Light. Will this fifth edit be the last? We shall see. And now, we edit!

This is the way.

22 February 20


One trip to Wal-Mart later, and I have a new printer. The other one did last three or four years, I believe. Let's see how long this one lasts

22 February 20


Well, I WAS going to start the next edit on The Fast Fading Light...until my printer decided to die on me.


Load paper into the printer, hit print. It prints one page, jams on the second page. Try again. Prints one page, jams on the second. Take the paper out, try feeding one page at a time.(Why the he'll not? It's only 155 pages's not like I have anything else to do tonight.) Prints one page, jams on the second.


So I get to buy a new printer tomorrow. 


I sigh deeply.

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