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​​What's there to say, really?


I'm a veteran retail wage slave with aspirations of literary adequacy.


I was born in New York and currently live in Central Florida (aka The Land That Time Remembered). I discovered science fiction at an early age, growing up on Star Trek, Lost In Space, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Captain Scarlet and The Thunderbirds. I've always had an active imagination; I always played with the toys I got for Christmas and my birthday but I had more fun playing with the boxes. I actually started writing in 1975, putting together some truly horrendous Space:1999 fan fiction. (Emphasis on horrendous. Fortunately, all copies have been destroyed.) I started writing seriously the day after I saw Star Wars. To be honest, I wouldn't be writing today if it hadn't been for my tenth grade English teacher. Writing is the only thing that keeps me sane, and I'm happiest when I'm writing.




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