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All of my stories take place in one universe, with one consistent time line. The history of this just slightly different from our own universe starts about 13.8 billion years plus one day in the past, all the way to about the year 7869. On this page, I'll lay out the timeline as each project is published. A word of caution:  There will be spoilers here.


13.8 Billion Years Ago...

  In the aftermath of a failed time travel experiment, the previous universe came to an end. There is only one survivor, an Observer named Arissia Mastani. Existing as a being of pure energy, Arissia releases the energy that had destroyed her home universe giving rise to a new universe. In the far distant future, this will become known as Event One or, more commonly, the Big Bang. (Campfire Stories, "The End of Seconds")


Sometime in the far distant past...

  A group of genetically engineered explorers, known as the Sentinels, explore an uninhabited planet. Their exploration is interrupted by the arrival of the Sqediqians, a race that believes itself to be superior to every other race. (Campfire Stories, "Games of Life and Cold")



  A writer wakes up to find an unknown woman in bed with him. The problem is, he's lived alone since the death of his wife. To further complicate things, he's the only one who doesn't know who the woman is. (Campfire Stories, "If You Listen Softly...")


  Mira Frayne breaks up with the man she had been dating after finding out he was married. She believes this will be a step in the right direction, to try and try to improve her life. Her life changes beyond her control when she encounters the Adityas. (With Eyes Open..., "With Eyes Open...")



  Author Tom Stengle welcomes his life-long friend Lisa Stennis home for their twenty year high school reunion. She reveals to Tom and his wife Bonnie that she is immortal. (Campfire Stories, "All My Yesterdays, Remembered")



  Rosalind Hart wakes up to find herself in a subway car, passing through an unnaturally dark and long tunnel. She has no idea how she got on a subway, or who the train's conductor really is. Life altering changes lead Rosalind to take the place of Death. (Campfire Stories, "Symmetry")



  After a small metal sphere lands in her backyard, Artemis Xian goes to investigate. She is exposed to an alien nanovirus which leaves her in a coma for six months. While unconscious, the nanovirus rebuilds her body, making her taller, stronger, and more agile. Her senses become far sharper, and she gains the ability to cling to any surface, allowing her climb walls. After coming out of the coma, Artemis is contacted by Special Agent Manfred Drake, with Section Alpha, part of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force. (Upon A Far Distant Shore)



  Across the world, six hundred people disappear without a trace. Among the missing are Sister Helena Troy, a Catholic nun living in San Diego, California. At this time, there is no theory as to what happened to the missing. (Upon A Far Distant Shore)



  While responding to an alert, Artemis Xian, now an agent with Section Alpha, is swept away to a pocket dimension fashioned to resemble a deserted town. Faced with a woman who knows more than she says, her longtime nemesis, Balthazar, and the aliens responsible for her mutation, Artemis works to find her way back home. While working to escape, Artemis discovers what may have happened to the people who disappeared in 2013. (Upon A Far Distant Shore)



  On a survey mission to an uncharted, uninhabited world, the exploration cruiser Foxfire finds signs pointing to a legendary race known as the Mengharans. Their Chief Contact Officer, Commander Tamara Bauren, discovers the fate of the Mengharans and hints at what might be the future of humanity. (Campfire Stories, "Signpost")



  After six years as an indentured Enhanced Human, Caralynn Adrasteia is freed. Unknown to her is the fact that Xavier Bernard, the man who bought out her indentures, had to chose between freeing Caralynn or another Enhanced Human, Efhram Bartok. (On A Cold Wind, Chapter One only)



  (August) Special Agent Caralynn Adrasteia becomes involved in a hostage crisis. Though she tries to end the stand-off without injury, the hostage-taker is killed and Agent Adrasteia is injured. (Campfire Stories, "Last Light")


  (October) Special Agent Caralynn Adrasteia and her partner, Special Agent Murphy Greenfield, are assigned to track down two escaped convicts, Efhram Bartok and Leonard O'Donnell, and protect a newly established colony. Also assigned are Captain Thomas Wegman, from Colonial Affairs Security Force, and a squad of Enhanced Soldiers. Making the assignment more difficult is Wegman's hatred of Enhanced Humans, plus the fact that Bartok advocates revolution in order to gain freedom for Enhanced Humans. During the course of the assignment, Caralynn and Murphy also save a team of Colonial Affairs surveyors and uncover the people who aided Bartok. (On A Cold Wind, from Chapter Two on)



  Special Agent Alexandra Sinclair, a courier with EarthGov Security, is dispatched to deliver information to Confed agents on the planet Midas. She never makes the delivery, and some within EarthGov Security believe she has gone rogue. Special Agents Harmony and Melody Moore, and Special Agent Murphy Greenfield are dispatched to find Alexandra, and figure out what happened. On Earth, Special Agents Caralynn Adrasteia and Wesley Jensen are dispatched to find who leaked Alexandra's alias. Alexandra is found, and her name is cleared, but she loses a portion of her early memories. (Wanderer)



  (January) After graduating from the EarthGov Security academy, Denise Bell becomes a probationary agent with Division Two. She is the first Enhanced Human to join the division. 


  (April) After receiving  a call from her batch sister, Probationary Agent Denise Bell is dispatched on her first undercover assignment. She infiltrates a terrorist camp, to try and determine the plans of terrorit Louis DuPont. During the course of the assignment, Denise questions her place in the world, and uncovers a rogue agent. (Stranger)


  (April) Special Agent Alexandra Sinclair, a courier with Division Five, is dispatched on a delivery to Confed Security on Midas. After arriving on Midas, Alexandra disappears, failing to make the delivery. Special Agents Murphy Greenfield, and Harmony and Melody Moore, are dispatched to locate Alexandra, while Special Agents Caralynn Adrasteia and Wesley Jensen work to find who leaked Alexandra's intinerary and alias. Between them, they clear Alexandra's name, proving an agent with Division Four was behind the disappearance. (Wanderer)


  (June) Special Agent Maureen Rogers, and her partner, Special Agent David Troy, are assigned to the kidnapping of the grandchildren of retired industrialist James Mornier. The situation becomes more dangerous when it becomes clear the children were kidnapped by a terrorist named Raven, who has a history of killing hostages. (Raven)



  While visiting friends on Argosy Station, contract investigator Dari Loq is hired by Confed Security to track down a fugitive.  A member of a race of shape-shifters known as the Children of Li'jha, Dari has to deal with prejudice and the knowledge that the fugitive is also a member of her race. (Campfire Stories, "The Shape of the Truth")



  Mandalay Jones, a former employee of MilSci, is recruited by the organization to help recover the research being conducted by her ex-husband.  Along the way, she encounters a mysterious woman named Mira Frayne and an insubstantial race known as the Adityas. (With Eyes Open..., "A Voice in the Darkness")



  EarthGov Security Special Agent Kevin Martin and his partner, Probationary Agent Rachael (Rae) Mercer, are assigned to investigate the murder of Conan Jordan on the colony of Haven. Local law enforcement had arrested Thomas Bono for the murder, with enough evidence to ensure a conviction. While inspecting the crime scene, Rae is severely beaten and Kevin is accused of the attack. They soon find both Jordan and Bono had ties to illegal pharmaceuticals and the terrorist group known as Sunbeam. (Rae)



  A serial killer roams the city of Naufolk, somehow managing to evade detection and leaving almost no evidence behind. EarthGov Security assigns Special Agent Lin Sillo and her partner, Special Agent Vincent DeBurg, to work with the Naufolk Police Department in order to stop the killer. But is there something behind the murders, something that reaches far beyond the city? (The Fault Lies Not...)



  Scott Madigan and his lover, Zoe Baird, travel to Earth from their home on Kevelan to visit Brynna Alexander and Georges Severin. While there, Zoe believes she hears someone say goodbye to her, while Scott thinks he sees a long-dead friend. (A Bright Symmetry, "Only Time...")


  Over the course of five months, Zoe begins to suffer from depression, as she comes to realize that she will continue to age while Scott will remain unchanged. This begins to weigh heavily on her and she starts to drift away from Scott.


  Scott and Zoe join Nathan Chedraki and his sister Lauren on their expedition to the planet Stelvra. They are there to investigate the legend of the Sleeping God Querahl-tan. Accompanied by Stelvran representatives and Federation ambassador Trebin, Scott and Zoe travel into the catacombs where Querahl-tan is said to rest. While there, Stelvran minister Jha'na reveals his plot to merge with Querahl-tan and take over Stelvra. Zoe attempts to stop him and is killed. Querahl-tan merges with Zoe's body and is revealed to be an energy based life form known as a Dolwa. Maintaining Zoe's form and keeping her name, she begins to travel with Scott. (A Bright Symmetry, "A God To Dance With")


  While traveling back to Kevelan from Stelvra, Nomiraslanoviche, commanding officer of the Science Cruiser Sharilinlaviche, interviews Zoe to determine that she is no threat to the ship. A fault in the reactor causes the ship to drop from hyperspace. As a way to prove her only goal is to preserve and observe life, Zoe decontaminates the reactor chamber and begins to repair the damage. In the process, she notices her hands are becoming unsteady. (A Bright Symmetry, "Being")


  After returning to Kevelan, Zoe begins to experience weakness. Things that she could normally do with ease are becoming harder for her to carry out. She suggests to Scott that a journey to her home in the P'Thresen Sector. Scott files a proposal with the Science Directorate for an expedition. While waiting for approval, operatives from the Science Directorate begin to watch Zoe, trying to study her from a distance. Bothered by this, Zoe hides her life signs from them, ensuring they learn nothing. The expedition is approved. (A Bright Symmetry, "Intermezzo")


  After months of planning, the expedition departs. Since no Science Directorate vessel is available to transport them, Scott contracts an old friend and trader Arcadia Ryan to bring the team to the P'Thresen Sector. The team is comprised of Scott and Zoe, Lindsay Wallace and Layne Danforth from the Science Directorate, Ambassador Colin Abrams from the Diplomatic Corps, and Abrams' daughter, Jess, who also serves as his aide. Unknown to the crew of Arcadia's ship, Sentinel, a homing device has been planted, allowing the Science Directorate vessel Vitera to follow.


  After arriving at the P'Thresen Sector, Zoe returns to her people and discovers why she had been feeling weak. With Zoe off the ship, Vitera arrives as Wallace and Danforth take control of Sentinel. After docking, the Science Directorate personnel begin working to capture a Dolwa for study. Zoe returns to Sentinel as the Dolwa strike back. In the chaos that follows, a Zoe from the future travels back in time to urge current Zoe to stop transporting borders away and get to Engineering before the ship is destroyed. It is also revealed that Danforth is not only a Dolwa but the first of the Elders, the leaders of the Dolwa. Because she broke one of the Dolwa's most sacred laws - to never travel through time - Zoe is exiled. She decides to continue traveling with Scott. (A Bright Symmetry, "The Arc of Heaven")


  After returning to Kevelan to drop off the rest of the team, Scott asks Arcadia to take him and Zoe to Earth so they can tell Georges and Brynna what happened. Brynna reacts badly, her hypersenstive vampire senses telling her Zoe is a threat. Zoe makes an adjustment to her form, easing Brynna's senses. Later in the evening, Zoe realizes what happened a year earlier, when Scott last visited Georges and Brynna. They travel back a year in time. Zoe masks Scott's presence so he can say goodbye to the original Zoe, while she assumes the form of Katherine Sutherland, a close associate of Scott, Georges and Brynna from the twenty-first century. (A Bright Symmetry, "Circle")


  A few nights later, while Scott is asleep, Zoe travels to the Sun. She absorbs stellar radiation, which she uses to boost her senses so she can sense the entire system. While there, Layne Danforth arrives to see how Zoe is doing. In the course of their conversation, it is revealed that Layne is not only the First Elder of the Dolwa, she is actually Arissia Mastani, the sole survivor of the Universe previous to this one, as well as the creator of the Dolwa race. Also revealed is the fact that there are Dolwa in every galaxy in the Universe, acting as Arissia's eyes and ears. She makes Zoe promise to never tell anyone, not even Scott, and promises they will meet again. Arissia departs for the Andromeda Galaxy and Zoe returns to Earth, looking forward to what the future will bring. (A Bright Symmetry, "...and Forever")



  Alyce Benton is kidnapped, and it falls to Archangel Brianna Pandora to rescue her. An officer in the Angel Corps, Brianna is responsible for defending Earth, it's colonies and citizens, as well as training newer Corps members. When given the assignment, she thinks there won't be any difficulty. However, when tracing the victim's last known movements, Brianna finds there may be more to the kidnapping than she first thought. Tracking the victim to a distant colony world, Brianna must deal not only with her own insecurities but with the Three, mythological warriors who exist only as energy. After surviving her encounter with the Three, Brianna rescue Ms. Benton and leaves the kidnappers to be punished by the Three. (Brianna and the Three)


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